Some of you loyal readers (Hello grandparents!) may remember that we often referred to John in the early days as our little Houdini because he was constantly getting out of his swaddle, no matter what.
This morning, I was woken up around 5:30 to a crying child. Nothing too big, no "I'm in pain" cries....just the normal fussiness of "I'm bored. I'm lonely. I'm hungry. Mommy, where are you?" In our home, we have a pretty strict schedule where the boys don't get up until it's time (be it in the mornings or nap time). So, I let him cry until it was 6:00 - wake-up time. Judging from where the cries were coming from, I determined that the crying child was John. When I went in to get him, I found him almost exactly as he came into this world - NAKED (except for his diaper, thankfully)!!!! Little booger had somehow wriggled out of his PJs, and who knows how long he had been naked. Oh, but it gets better...
I thought maybe somehow he figured out how to unzip his PJs (currently a fleece, long-sleeved sleep sack) and wasn't exactly sure what the zipper did. And I thought that maybe he was just overly curious - just like the Curious George he sleeps with (and with which his Daddy before him slept too). When I grabbed John's PJs out of the crib to dress him again, I discovered that they were perfectly zipped and snapped. This led me first to offer up numerous exclamatory statements and second, to scratch my head in incredulity as to how exactly my youngest, though larger, son managed to do this.
Here are some of my conclusions:
A) he somehow got a shoulder out, then an arm, and then in a fit of anger, the other arm and finally his entire little body (all 28.3" of it) and couldn't figure out then why he was so cold and mad
B) I slept walk and undressed him (highly unlikely)
C) he figured out how to unzip his sleep sack, got out, then cleverly zipped it back up and piled it in a heap in his crib...just to keep us all guessing.
D) none of the above...and he's secretly gloating that no one (except for him and maybe his big bro, who slept soundly through it all) knows the truth.
Sign me up for the Bad Mommy of the Month award for making my kid cry for 30 minutes, NAKED, in his crib.
Oh least it was a nice balmy 60 degrees out this morning, as opposed to the normal 30 degree December mornings. Somehow that made me feel just a little bit better.
I think John has forgiven me. He was quite mad this morning, even when I was re-clothing him in order to make him more comfortable. I rocked him and shushed him and asked for his forgiveness and told him that I loved him. When he looked at me with wet eyes and his silly grin, I knew all was right with the world again.