Thursday, November 13, 2008

9 months!

It's hard to believe that the boys are 9 months old today. It's crazy to think that they've been here with us longer than I was pregnant. This time last year, we had recently found out that we were expecting boys, and I was actually looking pregnant. Now we have two little boogers to keep us amused.

Will's and John's personalities are getting stronger and stronger. Will is still laid-back, though he's starting to get into mischief. He and John love to crawl all over the place, and they especially love to try and pull Mommy's cookbooks off the shelf. John has turned into Mommy's little boy. He loves to cuddle and be held, but he also loves to go, go, go. They really are so much fun.

Nine-month pix to come!!


Unknown said...

happy, happy 9 month birthday!
you guys are the best!
love you,
ma-sie and grampy

Anonymous said...

Happy 9 months!!!