Thursday, October 30, 2008


Somehow in the busy-ness of life, we missed being able to pinpoint the day that John started crawling (not army crawling, but crawling-crawling). He's scooting around like a champ! We're thinking he started sometime within the last few days....

Still no teeth for John, and Will is *this close* to crawling-crawling, too.

And I'm sure we'll miss many more "firsts". Such is life with twinfants!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Tooth count: Will - 2. John - 0.

That's right, folks. Will's 2nd tooth has just barely broken the surface, but it's there! I found it this morning when the boys got up.

Never hurts to encourage a little friendly competition, right? Ryan always reminds me that the boys are going to be competitive regardless of what I try to do. Not that "tooth growing" is necessarily controllable... :)

Sunday, October 19, 2008

8 months old!

And as you can tell from the pictures, personalities are becoming stronger and stronger...

Saturday, October 18, 2008

How incredibly naive we can be...

We've been looking back at previous posts and I read the following:

2nd day at home.... And we're still getting adjusted.

We've been home with the boys for 8 months now and we're STILL getting adjusted. And when we've had the boys at home for 8 years, we'll STILL be adjusting.

Ryan, the poster of pictures and not much else.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Welcome, Lucy!

Will and John asked us to help announce the birth of their newest cousin, Elisabeth Lucille Rank. Lucy was born this morning at 7:17AM. Mom and Baby are both doing great!

Monday, October 13, 2008

8 Months Old!!!

Happy 8-month birthday, Will and John!!!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Latest Milestones

This morning, the boys got their first taste of Daddy's pancakes - YUMMY! Happily, they LOVED them! The boys wanted some syrup, but Mommy said no. Mean ol' Mommy!

Will is now consistently sitting up on his own - as in he will go from his tummy to sitting up all by himself! And that tooth is still sharp! :) Will loves to eat pieces of banana that Mommy and Daddy give him.

John is scooting all over the place. His latest fun thing to do is to pull up on the chair so that he's standing! Such a big, big boy. We think he's going to skip "real" crawling and go straight to walking. We'll see if he's like his Daddy in that respect. And John LOVES yogurt!

They are interacting more and more together, and it's so much fun. We have such happy boys!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Will's trump card

John has pretty much been the first to do everything (besides being born, of course) - roll, sit up, crawl, etc. But today, Will just said "Take that, Lil' Bro!" Because....

He has a tooth! :) Masie was the lucky one to find that his little tooth had finally poked through the surface. Yay Masie! Yay Will!