Saturday, October 18, 2008

How incredibly naive we can be...

We've been looking back at previous posts and I read the following:

2nd day at home.... And we're still getting adjusted.

We've been home with the boys for 8 months now and we're STILL getting adjusted. And when we've had the boys at home for 8 years, we'll STILL be adjusting.

Ryan, the poster of pictures and not much else.


Connor Family Blog said...

I totally agree. I'm never going to get this kid on a schedule! I can't imagine having twins. Y'all are doing a great job!!!

Kate said...

Ha! The sooner you understand that, the better :) As soon as you think you've got things under control, they'll change and everything will be upside-down again. But, thankfully, by the same token, as soon as you think you can't stand something anymore, it'll be gone and you'll be on the next phase. They always keep you on your toes!