Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Happy birthday, Emily!

One year ago today, our lives were incredibly blessed with your arrival.  At one year old, you are such a busy girl.  You started walking about 2 weeks ago, and you love trying to keep up with your big brothers.  You're not talking yet, but that's probably because your brothers talk enough for everyone.  Boy, do they love you so much!  You don't have a single tooth, yet your favorite food is, well, food.  You love chicken and steak, which is most impressive given your lack of teeth.

Your beautiful, big, brown eyes sparkle when you laugh - your big belly laugh that makes everyone else laugh.  Your long eyelashes are the envy of everyone, and we love the way you crinkle up your nose when you smile.

Today, the doctor told us you are 29.5" tall, which is in the 65th percentile.  And, little peanut, you only weigh 18lbs3oz, which is in the 9th percentile.  At this rate, you're going to be built just like your Daddy - long and lean.

Happy birthday, Baby Girl!  We're so glad you're ours!