Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Sunday Fun - Devildog Style

A couple of Sundays ago, we went to a party celebrating the arrival of Jacob, a 9-year-old boy who my school friend and his wife are going to adopt. The boys had a ton of fun playing with all the big kids...all future TRHS Devildogs? We'll see!

Love this pic of the boys...mischievous, much?

This is Will. He looks so much like me at this age that I thought it was John. They keep us guessing!

Future Devildogs? It was pretty amazing that we were able to keep all of these kids still long enough for a picture! Ages range from 12 to 2.5!


jayne said...

love them all! And, if you hadn't said that it was Will would have thought it was John

jayne said...
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