Despite our long silence from blog-world, we're still here and kicking. We've been extremely busy, as always, thus the lack of updates. So, to make up for it, here are a bunch of pix from the past few months...

Cute boys in baseball caps

Our Hard Rock Kuwait shirts from Uncle Sage (really Mommy's cousin), who's moving to Charleston from Kuwait! We can't wait to hang out with him!

Our boys LOVE Spaghetti O's! And the mess that accompanies them...

John did a nose-dive off the chair, smack into an over-sized lego...first trip to Urgent Care resulted in Dermabond! He's a trooper! If you look closely at his forehead, you can see the round lego-mark.

Will at almost 26 months - happy as can be!

John at almost 26 months - he's hard to catch!
The boys' vocabulary has exploded! They are starting to form small sentences, and Daddy says that they sound like Yoda ("cow, bye-bye" and the like). My favorite thing lately that they say is from John. He has started to say, "bless you, Mommy" and "bless you, Daddy" whenever we sneeze, cough, etc. His favorite answer to everything is "yeah!" John pretty much starts talking the moment he wakes up and doesn't stop until he goes to sleep...Daddy would argue that he's like his mommy in that sense. John is also our climber. He climbed a small rock wall last night before we knew what was happening!
Will loves to tell people he loves them, and he loves to look for busses, boats, Jeeps and cows when we're riding in the car. He loves finding cars that look like ones he knows - Mommy's, Daddy's, Masie's... our smart little booger! He asks about boats and cars that used to be places that haven't been there in months...amazing. He loves to cuddle, too!