We officially have a vampire on our hands! I found this morning that John's other top eye tooth has broken the surface. Yesterday I had a feeling that he would pop another tooth soon, but I didn't think it'd be this soon.
Hopefully all two of our blog readers aren't bored with posts about teeth. :)
The boys had a fun day today playing with their Uncle John (our friend John) and their Auntie Em (proud god-mama), since Ms. Melinda was sick. While they hated to not get to play with Melinda, rumor has it that they had an amazingly fun day with John and Em. Apparently John spent lots of time talking to them and telling them how adorable they are. And Em somehow found the time to make dinner for us and some friends of ours who welcomed their baby boy, Benji, back in October, as well as fold my laundry. What amazing friends!! Fun times had by all!
Tooth count: Will - 2; John - 3.