Saturday, September 22, 2007

2nd verse...same as the 1st?

We've officially been in the 2nd trimester for a week (as of today!), and I must say that it's been a pretty easy road considering my body is caring for 3 people at the same time. I've had some pretty harsh headaches, which are either associated with hormones (sorry...) or sinuses or a combination of the two. Headaches are NO FUN when you have to teach a bunch of hormonal teenagers all day long. And, headaches are NO FUN when you can't take the usual Aleve or Excedrin Migraine...only Tylenol. I've felt a bit icky this week, so I was starting to wonder if I was going to be sick during the 2nd trimester since the 1st was relatively easy (no morning sickness!). I think the ickiness may have been a few isolated days, but I'm starting to realize that I can't eat much of the same food I'm used to eating. Nothing huge, but I've been more cognizant lately of that.

Ryan and I worked in the nursery one evening this week. We put some clothes away that Mary Beth gave us from Lucas, and we put the maternity clothes we've bought or received on loan from friends away too. It's actually starting to look like a nursery! We even set up our really cute pack 'n' play. Now if we can just figure out where to put the elliptical machine so we can have room for the changing table and rocking chair/ottoman that we'll hopefully get from a generous friend/relative.

I guess it's time to start registering for things... I've been thinking about strollers/travel systems since that's going to be the biggest thing we'll need. We already have the cribs! :)

My perinatologist's office called this week to reschedule our Oct. 22 appointment. Apparently the doctor will be out of town. Fortunately, they made a special appointment for us late one afternoon so I don't have to miss school and Ryan doesn't have to miss work and/or school. Our appointment is now Oct. 23 - thankfully we don't have to wait too much longer past the original Oct. 22 appointment!!

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