Jayne (Beck's mom): *scream* *another scream* *the sound of a phone dropping* *another scream so loud that we could hear it even though the phone had been dropped* (We respectfully admit that Jayne claims to have not dropped the phone. We also respectfully don't believe her.)
Pam (Ryan's mom): "Ryan Kendall Stone, if you're kidding me...!"
Martin (Ryan's dad): *chuckle* "Are you serious?!?"
Chris (Beck's brother): "Holy crap, that's cool... Holy crap, that's cool! That sounds like a lot of work." (Thanks for the nod to TWINS in your response!)
Stan (Ryan's brother): "Are you kidding me?!?"
Aimee (Beck's sis-in-law): "What?!? That's awesome!"
Michelle (Ryan's sis-in-law): "Are you serious? Tell me you're not joking."
Kate (Beck's niece): "Two babies... There are two babies in Becky's tummy."
Josiah (4-year-old from Redeemer): "But Ms. Becky, won't they fight in there?"
If you're wondering where Don (Beck's dad) is, then wait no more. This was our favorite reaction, partly because of the way we told him (he was the first to find out, by the way). Beck's dad has always prayed for his not-yet-born grandchildren that they would have 10 perfect fingers and 10 perfect toes, a sharp wit, a sound mind and a heart that longs for God. Here's our phone conversation.
Ryan: How's it going?
Don: Oh, it's going alright. Busy day. (brief side note, Don's dealing with massive plumbing problems in one of his rental properties at this point. He's been jackhammering a concrete floor, in someone's living room!)
Ryan: Well, we've got a request for you.
Don: Sure, anything.
Ryan: We need you to change your prayer a little bit...
Don: Ok (in a hesitant voice).
*pregnant (ha! punny!) pause*
Ryan: Well, we're going to need 20 perfect fingers and 20 perfect toes.
*silence again*
*more silence*
*slow, quiet chuckle*
Don: Really? Are you serious?
Ryan: Would we joke about this?
Don: Well. How 'bout that?