Last year, we had a great day playing, even though we had to postpone their party due to illness.
This year, we had to postpone their party due to the year's biggest snow.
Masie and Grampy were able to make it up before the roads got bad, so we're very thankful to have been able to see them on the boys' actual birthday. We can't wait to see Grandma, Grandpa, and all of our aunts, uncles, and cousins - hopefully soon!
We had lots of fun playing:
Daddy and his boys!
And Mommy took pretty pictures of the trees:
It's hard to believe they're two. This time two years ago, we were at the hospital in shock that we now had 2 babies in the world. It seems like yesterday, yet at the same time, it seems so long ago. They've grown and changed so much in the past year, and the time just keeps flying by.
It's also fun that one of Ryan's college roommates and his wife had their twin boys yesterday! Hurray for healthy February twin boys!
Hopefully next year the third time will be the charm, and we'll actually get to celebrate their birthday on their birthday weekend!
Here's to a fabulous year of new adventures, new words, potty training (already?!), and lots of fun learning!