Sunday, July 19, 2009

We're still here.

It's been a busy summer, thus the recent absence from the blogging world. Ryan is taking 4 classes this summer, along with working at the 'bux. The boys are in daycare 3 days a week, which is a decision we made to help ease their transition to full-time daycare in August when Becky goes back to school. Becky is taking an online technology class along with a week-long seminar through Converse. We can't believe the summer is almost gone!

Here are some pix of our latest adventures:

The boys have decided they really like spaghetti...or is it the mess that they like???

Will's spaghetti face - if you look closely, you can see his handprint in the middle of his face!

John was going for the Two-Face look. But he's no villain!

We went garage saling yesterday, and we got some amazing finds! The church down the street had a TON of kids stuff, and we got a Lego table with Legos, two wooden kid chairs, a wooden kid rocker, and an old school toy - the cube that you drop the different-shaped blocks into. Grand total? $6.50!!!! We almost felt guilty for spending such a small amount of money.

The boys and the Lego table:

Will is REALLY excited!

John's pretty pumped's just hard to get him to sit still long enough for a picture!