Things have been hoppin' around here! We have some SERIOUS rollers on our hands. Now we just have to learn how to roll BACK to our backs from our tummies and not get so mad. :)
John has found his feet! He loves to grab them and hold sucking of toes yet, though I'm sure it's coming soon.
We broke down and put the boys in separate cribs last night. Ryan found Will literally ON TOP of John during a nap yesterday, and that was that. It was so sad for me to get them up this morning and not see them cuddling. Oh well...guess it had to happen sometime.
As for us, we spent a lovely long weekend with Masie and Grampy at the lake (well, what's left of it). Ryan, Grampy, and I ran the Peachtree Road Race on the 4th...and I mean ran! I had no intention of running very much, seeing as how we'd only run a handful of times since the boys were born. We wound up running the 1st 3 miles, walking miles 4 and 5, and then running the last 1.2. Oh my goodness - I looked like a little old lady hobbling around for about 4 days afterwards. I was so sore! I think today is the first day I don't feel any soreness or pain whatsoever. We were so blessed to have Uncle Kev and Auntie Em come down this weekend too. I know they enjoyed their vacation as well!
Pix are coming...we have them, but we just need to download them from the camera.