Two weeks old already? Next thing we know, they'll be walking...then starting school...then asking to borrow the car...then...oh my!
It's been a busy week 'round here. The week started out with the boys getting their very first bath - a sponge bath since they both still had their cords at the time. Then, John lost his umbilical cord on Monday. He trumped his big bro, yet again. We went to see the pediatrician on Tuesday, where we found out that we've got a pair of porkers on our hands! Both boys gained a bunch of weight - Will is up to 5lbs14oz, and John is up to 5lbs12oz...both up from 5lbs3oz in just one week. WOW! We also went to see Dr. H (my OB) on Tuesday for my 2 week check-up. Both Doc and Amanda were sorely disappointed that we didn't bring the boys, but with the flu epidemic, we didn't want to risk it. I'm healing quite nicely, thank you. AND, while we were at the OB, Masie was babysitting....and Will lost his umbilical cord! Now we can give the boys are real bath!!
Grampy is here with us as of today. He and Masie will head back to GA on Sunday, unfortunately for us. It's been so nice to have help 'round the clock. I know we need to get in the swing of things ourselves, but we've been so spoiled! It's nice to know that both sets of grandparents are so close and so willing to come help at a moment's notice. Now we just have to get Grandma and Grandpa over this nasty flu!
Oh yeah, and we still can't tell them apart. The spot that Grampy found on John's cheek disappeared...
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Random Photos
Soooooo big....
The boys are 8 days old! Ryan is going to post a "birthday" pic from yesterday hopefully tonight.
The past 8 days have been a blur. It feels like forever ago that we were in the hospital. And we've been home for 6 days. WHAT?? :)
Both boys are doing well. They're eating like pigs and growing. The pediatrician is pleased that they've already gained weight. And our wonder twins are STILL measuring exactly the same - though Will is .1" longer. Grampy thinks he found a spot on John's cheek to differentiate between them, but we'll see if that's a freckle or a scab of some kind. For now, we're keeping their hospital bands around their ankles.
Last night we slept well. I got up every 3 hours to feed, and Ryan and Masie traded off who would help. Neither boy was fussy during the night (knock on wood), so I got a good 2 hours of sleep at a time. My body has started to adjust - the 2 hours I get are some of the hardest and best 2 hours of sleep. I've even started waking up a bit before my alarm, which is good so I can get a head start on feeding before they get hungry.
Grandma came today so she and Masie fed the boys so I could rest and get some work done around the house. I still feel like I'll never catch up, but after all, the boys ARE only 8 days old.
The past 8 days have been a blur. It feels like forever ago that we were in the hospital. And we've been home for 6 days. WHAT?? :)
Both boys are doing well. They're eating like pigs and growing. The pediatrician is pleased that they've already gained weight. And our wonder twins are STILL measuring exactly the same - though Will is .1" longer. Grampy thinks he found a spot on John's cheek to differentiate between them, but we'll see if that's a freckle or a scab of some kind. For now, we're keeping their hospital bands around their ankles.
Last night we slept well. I got up every 3 hours to feed, and Ryan and Masie traded off who would help. Neither boy was fussy during the night (knock on wood), so I got a good 2 hours of sleep at a time. My body has started to adjust - the 2 hours I get are some of the hardest and best 2 hours of sleep. I've even started waking up a bit before my alarm, which is good so I can get a head start on feeding before they get hungry.
Grandma came today so she and Masie fed the boys so I could rest and get some work done around the house. I still feel like I'll never catch up, but after all, the boys ARE only 8 days old.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Grampy and Masie...
...made it up to the house today. They're currently feeding the boys (giving Beck and me a break). The boys are eating almost 2 full ounces at this point, and sleeping very well.
Will and John have been going to sleep listening to Beethoven and we're playing Mozart for them right now during feeding time. From U2 to bluegrass to classical. We're broadening their currently non-existent horizons.
Here's a picture from yesterday with Kate and Maddie.
Will and John have been going to sleep listening to Beethoven and we're playing Mozart for them right now during feeding time. From U2 to bluegrass to classical. We're broadening their currently non-existent horizons.
Here's a picture from yesterday with Kate and Maddie.

Sunday, February 17, 2008
2nd day at home
And we're still getting adjusted. Got pics from their first photo-op with Uncle Chris to post soon.
More later.
More later.
Friday, February 15, 2008
In case you were wondering...
Beck hasn't disappeared from eWorld. She's just being a mom. She has more important duties than I do (not to mention that I can't do some of them, like lactate).
So I'm blogging these days. She'll be back soon.
So I'm blogging these days. She'll be back soon.
Car seats and long days
John's off right now, getting tested in the car seat. Something about preemies having problems with car seats and breathing. (Will already passed).
Both boys are being bottle-fed now. Life's a whole lot easier. What had been taking 45 minutes or so now takes about 5 minutes per boy. Oh the bliss! They're taking almost a whole ounce at feedings now.
Anyway, Beck and I are enjoying the quiet of only one boy right now and indoctrinating him with Coldplay.
Both boys are being bottle-fed now. Life's a whole lot easier. What had been taking 45 minutes or so now takes about 5 minutes per boy. Oh the bliss! They're taking almost a whole ounce at feedings now.
Anyway, Beck and I are enjoying the quiet of only one boy right now and indoctrinating him with Coldplay.

Thursday, February 14, 2008
Parenting is hard
And I've only been a dad for 30 hours.
Earlier, the boys were both crying their heads off because they were cold after feeding. Beck started hurting and I had to help her out. Combined with a lack of sleep and nervousness at the novelty of being a parent... it was hard.
But it's so worth it. Beck's feeling better now. The boys are swaddled and content. And they're absolutely amazing.
Here's a picture of Dr. Heidtman (the OBGYN) with the boys right after we got back in the room.
Earlier, the boys were both crying their heads off because they were cold after feeding. Beck started hurting and I had to help her out. Combined with a lack of sleep and nervousness at the novelty of being a parent... it was hard.
But it's so worth it. Beck's feeling better now. The boys are swaddled and content. And they're absolutely amazing.
Here's a picture of Dr. Heidtman (the OBGYN) with the boys right after we got back in the room.

Almost a day old
Well. It's Valentine's Day, and we've got one heck of a Valentine's gift.
The boys are doing well. Sleeping most of the time. They had some trouble eating today. Mandy (from Lactation) said that was mostly due to the fact that they're still only 35 1/2 weeks. We tried finger-feeding them for a while, with some success. John's eating better than Will (he's trying to outdo "older" brother).
And just a warning to any who read this who might one day be in our shoes... Nurses come visit, and it's great, because they're checking to make sure mom and babies are healthy. Docs come, and it's great because they're doing the same thing. Lactation comes for the same reason. Friends and family come to visit and love and support and encourage.
But there are about 50 million people who do misc. jobs at the hospital as volunteers, etc. and they always seem to visit while we're trying to feed! So... it's easy to get frustrated, but we have to keep reminding ourselves that they mean well, they just have bad timing.
Music they're being introduced to: The Decemberists - The Crane Wife
p.s. John just threw up. It was pretty disgusting, but not in that repulsive way. Welcome to daddy-hood, Daddy.
Couple more pictures for ya (in order: 23 hours old, daddy feeding them for the first time, mommy with the boys, Don and Jayne with the boys, Martin and Pam with the boys).

The boys are doing well. Sleeping most of the time. They had some trouble eating today. Mandy (from Lactation) said that was mostly due to the fact that they're still only 35 1/2 weeks. We tried finger-feeding them for a while, with some success. John's eating better than Will (he's trying to outdo "older" brother).
And just a warning to any who read this who might one day be in our shoes... Nurses come visit, and it's great, because they're checking to make sure mom and babies are healthy. Docs come, and it's great because they're doing the same thing. Lactation comes for the same reason. Friends and family come to visit and love and support and encourage.
But there are about 50 million people who do misc. jobs at the hospital as volunteers, etc. and they always seem to visit while we're trying to feed! So... it's easy to get frustrated, but we have to keep reminding ourselves that they mean well, they just have bad timing.
Music they're being introduced to: The Decemberists - The Crane Wife
p.s. John just threw up. It was pretty disgusting, but not in that repulsive way. Welcome to daddy-hood, Daddy.
Couple more pictures for ya (in order: 23 hours old, daddy feeding them for the first time, mommy with the boys, Don and Jayne with the boys, Martin and Pam with the boys).

Wednesday, February 13, 2008
They're here! They're here!
"Babies" Day!!!
Today's the day we get to meet our boys! :) :) :)
After our trip to L&D on Monday night, we went to see the OB yesterday at 2. He checked everything and decided that he didn't like the fact that my blood pressure has been creeping up (lower number in the 90s). He wasn't concerned about my was my BP that concerned him, so he decided to go ahead and take the boys today!!!!
We're headed out momentarily for the hospital, and the surgery is scheduled for 10:00. Before we leave, I'm going to get Ryan to take one last belly shot. Hopefully it won't take us forever to post it....and to post pix of our boys!
After our trip to L&D on Monday night, we went to see the OB yesterday at 2. He checked everything and decided that he didn't like the fact that my blood pressure has been creeping up (lower number in the 90s). He wasn't concerned about my was my BP that concerned him, so he decided to go ahead and take the boys today!!!!
We're headed out momentarily for the hospital, and the surgery is scheduled for 10:00. Before we leave, I'm going to get Ryan to take one last belly shot. Hopefully it won't take us forever to post it....and to post pix of our boys!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Our SECOND trip to L&D...
...and we're back home. I would say "'nuff said," but I know too many of you want details.
Last night I was contracting, so I took a pill to see if they were real or another false alarm (this is per my OB). 2 hours later, I was still contracting - albeit irregularly. I called the on-call nurse, and she told me to head to the hospital.
The boys and I were hooked up to monitors, and the triage nurse was amazed at how constant my contractions were - she said the print-out looked like lots of hills. She called the doc on-call at my practice (unfortunately not my OB), and he told her to give me a shot, see if it worked, and then send me home. Lo and behold, the shot worked...and here we are.
I called my nurse this morning to tell her that Ryan and I were frustrated with the conflicting opinions we keep getting - take the pills, don't take the pills, if you're in labor they'll let you go, etc. The best explanation she could give me was that I'm in pre-term labor but not dilating yet, which is why we're at home and not holding our little boys. She's going to talk to my OB and call me back.
Needless to say (why do people say that and then continue with their thought regardless?), we're just a TAD bit frustrated by all of this...
Edited to add: We have an appointment today at 2. Pray hard!!
Last night I was contracting, so I took a pill to see if they were real or another false alarm (this is per my OB). 2 hours later, I was still contracting - albeit irregularly. I called the on-call nurse, and she told me to head to the hospital.
The boys and I were hooked up to monitors, and the triage nurse was amazed at how constant my contractions were - she said the print-out looked like lots of hills. She called the doc on-call at my practice (unfortunately not my OB), and he told her to give me a shot, see if it worked, and then send me home. Lo and behold, the shot worked...and here we are.
I called my nurse this morning to tell her that Ryan and I were frustrated with the conflicting opinions we keep getting - take the pills, don't take the pills, if you're in labor they'll let you go, etc. The best explanation she could give me was that I'm in pre-term labor but not dilating yet, which is why we're at home and not holding our little boys. She's going to talk to my OB and call me back.
Needless to say (why do people say that and then continue with their thought regardless?), we're just a TAD bit frustrated by all of this...
Edited to add: We have an appointment today at 2. Pray hard!!
Thursday, February 7, 2008
While you wait
Monday, February 4, 2008
...and waiting...
Went to see Dr. Greig today, and everything still looks good. The boys are a healthy 4lbs12oz and 4lbs7oz and wriggling like crazy. Baby A still enjoys kicking his brother in the face. I'm sure he's glad his brother decided to turn back head up after a week of being cheek to cheek.
I had to take 3 or 4 of my "stop the contractions" pills this week. They presumably worked, since we didn't go back to the hospital. Dr. Greig told me that if I feel like I need to take one again to just go ahead and go to the hospital - that they wouldn't stop labor at this point. So, it could be any day now!! While there's still a good chance that they'd have to spend time in NICU, the likelihood of it being a shorter stay grows more and more each day. The very selfish part of me wants them OUT so I can breathe again, but I also know that I don't want to leave them in the hospital when we come home.
This week or next week? Or 3 more weeks? Anyone wanna start a pool? :)
I had to take 3 or 4 of my "stop the contractions" pills this week. They presumably worked, since we didn't go back to the hospital. Dr. Greig told me that if I feel like I need to take one again to just go ahead and go to the hospital - that they wouldn't stop labor at this point. So, it could be any day now!! While there's still a good chance that they'd have to spend time in NICU, the likelihood of it being a shorter stay grows more and more each day. The very selfish part of me wants them OUT so I can breathe again, but I also know that I don't want to leave them in the hospital when we come home.
This week or next week? Or 3 more weeks? Anyone wanna start a pool? :)
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