We went to see both docs yesterday, and everything went well. My hemoglobin is back up, so I don't have to double up on my iron pills anymore. WOO! The peri was VERY pleased with how things are going. The boys are growing right on track - even right on track if they were singletons and not twins! Baby A is 2 lbs, 2oz. and Baby B is 2 lbs even. Physically, my body is measuring a full 40 weeks.... and there's still LOTS of time to go! The peri is SHOCKED at how well I'm doing physically. He said most women of smaller stature pregnant for the first time with twins go on bedrest at 22 weeks. And here I am at 27 weeks, 3 days, still going strong! Ryan has decided to put me on bedrest after Christmas break, and the peri agrees with him. He told me that at 31-32 weeks, I will feel much like a women pregnant with one at 40 weeks. It's hard to think about not coming back to school in January, but I know I will appreciate the rest...and the boys will too!
Baby A is currently head down, and Baby B is currently head up. We got to watch Baby B kick his brother in the face numerous times. They love to cuddle and be close, but I guess Baby B needs his leg room. Maybe that means they'll be tall like their daddy! We can only hope!
It's strange to think that these boys can come at any time. I asked the OB how delivery will work since we're doing a C-section, but it's not like we can exactly schedule it. He said we'll most likely come in for a routine check-up, and he'll discover that I'm in labor (most likely because of dilation). Then it'll be go time!
This week's veggie--a head of cauliflower! Though only based on weight (2lbs) and not on length.
Stay tuned for a 28 weeks picture....to be posted this weekend.